Stef Will

Stef Will

• 27 February 2021

Beyond the Boundaries – MA Fine Art Show

“There was a wall. It did not look important. It was built of uncut rocks roughly mortared. An adult could look right over it, and even a child could climb it. [It served as] a line – an idea of boundary. But the idea was real. It was important. For seven generations there had been nothing in the world more important than that wall. Like all walls it was ambiguous, two-faced. What was inside it and what was outside it depended upon which side of it you were on.” (Ursula K. Le Guin ‘The Dispossessed’)

Beyond the Boundaries Final Poster

The MA Fine Art Interim Show Online showcases the diverse and exciting work created by the postgraduate community of artists at UCA Farnham. In a time of uncertainty and under radical constraints, we have found new ways to communicate and manifest our diverse practices. Exploring the newly emerging social and cultural energies, the work seeks ways of transcending conventions, the limitations of ideologies and restrictive belief systems.

In the standard manner boundaries refer to an actual line, marking the limits of an area, but the notion of boundaries extends well beyond this to include the psychological, social and conceptual. The work speaks of our personal space, of the dividing line between cultures, going beyond the limits of the ordinary, and of transgressing social norms. It acknowledges the idea of the liminal – a space in between; recognizing that lives are lived within, on the edge of real or imaginary lines and boundaries.

The work in Beyond the Boundaries investigates the function of borders, crossed thresholds, dimensions of time and confronts our entanglements with technology, our digital past and digital futures. It consorts with notions of the alien, the stranger and the allure of the unknown. It examines a wide range of concepts; of home, place and space, reassessing the dynamics of the private and the domestic, the breaching of natural boundaries through

human intervention, and the complexities of chaos and chance, intrinsic to seemingly orderly systems.

Central to the work of the artists in the show is the impulse to explore, to question, take risks, to critically examine and offer insights from both sides of the telescope, of pressing worldwide issues and private human intimacies. From narrative depictions on canvas, to the excavation and representation of objects, the work attempts to find new ways to challenge prevailing conventions. The diverse works in the show communicate a powerful unity in diversity.

All the work will be showcased through Instagram at @undertowprojects, a new curatorial platform initiated by MA Fine Art Farnham artists, and at @mafineartucafarnham and @uca_surreygalleries. The zoom launch will be hosted by artist and lecturer Louise Ashcroft on Tuesday 2nd March from 3-4.30pm.

Robert Adlam | Thomas Best | Lucy Bevin | Liz Clifford | Rups Cregeen
Mofe Demuren | Noelle Genevier | Robyn Jacobs | Michael Kelly
Dawn Langley | Li An Lee | Kate Madden | Catherine McCaw-Aldworth
Janet McWilliam | NanoHour | Dana Phillips | Stef Will | Dean Wright

The exhibition zine is available via this link:

For the zoom launch link please contact: Lucy Bevin
Liz Clifford or Andrea Gregson

For Beyond the Boundaries live events visit:
@undertowprojects | @mafineartucafarnham | @uca_surreygalleries